Tag: WoW

  • WoW Patch 4.0.1 – Prequel to Cata

    It’s been a week since updating to patch 4.0.1, honestly I haven’t been playing with my hunter for over 3 months already and since, Cataclysm is coming, I might as well wait for the expansion to come before playing and leveling again. I wanted to see what upgrades Blizzard did to my hunter, never played…

  • My WoW Addons

    Thought I’d make a list of  WoW Addons I use just in case if forget…. Atlasloot Enhanced QuestHelper Cartographer Titan Panel Auctioneer IceHud bartender4 npcscan omen threatmeter recount quartz ratingbuster BossTactics Deadly Boss Mode What do you  use?

  • My Level 80 Hunter!!

    Finally! after 2 years of playing WoW, I ‘finally’ reached the level cap for my Bloodelf hunter… rofl. Now the fun part begins, where to start, get my epic Netherwing mount, get l33t gears, upgrade my profession, finish instances and achievements.. lol soooo many things to do. Also, I’ll be studying raid encounters strats now…