Loque’nahak Tamed!!!

Finally tamed Loque’nahak after 2 days of camping in one spot in Sholazar Basin,Northrend. Loque looks awesome with its glowing eyes plus the spirit strike ability. Pic below with my new cat. Also note, acquiring this cat WILL have side effects… sweaty palms, shaking hands, increase heart beat, unable to hear anything around you for 1-2min… Weird thing though, both times when I found King Krush and Loque, my mom was with me AND was talking to me… I couldn’t hear a single word she said! ROFL!!

Me and Loque'nahak

btw, don’t give up… if you can’t find him, Loque will find you.

Coords where I found him is in the south-east (66,78), Bonechewer server.